Pangu’s finger force is so powerful.
After killing four congenital fierce beasts, Fuxi once again urged people to move, saying that the imperial seal suddenly came with a very vast force and swept through Fiona Fang in an instant.
Bang, bang, bang, bang.
The vast force suddenly crushed the innate fierce beast that was besieging the Terran enchantment, and it was shattered into dust without even screaming.
Terran crisis solution
Of course, Fuxi didn’t kill all the innate fierce beasts.
He also left hundreds of Taiyi Jin Xian-class congenital fierce beasts and tens of thousands of Jin Xian-class congenital fierce beasts.
If you want to sharpen the Terran.
"Fuxi has seen you. Thank you for saving my life!"
Pack up the humanitarian imperial seal Fuxi solemnly salute to the front way
There is a vague figure that appears out of nowhere, and a very complicated eye is staring at the Terran in front.
This person is Feng Zichen!
"Get up!"
The wind zichen withdrew her sight and gently lifted Fuxi up with her right hand.
Fuxi is no match for him now.
"thank you!"
After getting up, Fuxi thanked again
On his past life as distinguished as this life, he is a Terran, and there is no reason not to worship Feng Zichen, the greatest emperor of the Terran.
What’s more, he practiced Taoism in this life, and now it’s natural for his ancestors to worship face to face.
And just now, if Feng Zichen hadn’t come forward to rescue him, he would have fallen into the hands of a ferocious animal.
So he has no reason not to worship Feng Zichen.
Yu Fuxi’s body is too clear, but the sage brother’s cultivation is the wind, zichen’s magic way, not the too clear sage’s elixir way. Then the Terran has the current situation
At present, the mainstream of Terran’s God, Magic and Taoism is only a trail. If Fuxi cultivates the Taiqing sage, then it will be difficult for him to take charge of Terran again, which is almost impossible.
At the very least, the ghost who occupies 99% of the Terran power will not allow the people of the next vein to occupy the Terran clan position.
As far as modern terrans are concerned,
God’s magic way is orthodoxy!
And only orthodoxy can inherit the throne.
Fuxi cultivation
It’s the magic way of god

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