With a flick of his finger, Dan, a medicine refined by Beidou No.3, fell into the blood lake and slowly sank.
Sun Hao looked at the third fairy peak of Beidou and saw the brothers who were shivering and waiting for their mercy.
The agarwood sword rises slowly and aims at the third fairy peak of Beidou at a distance.
At this time, several star emissaries already knew that there was no room for speech in front of Sun Hao, and their opinions could not be influenced by Sun Hao.
See Sun Hao raised aloes sword and take a look at the second fairy peak of Beidou now. Every monk can’t help but feel miserable.
The appearance of this evil star caused the biggest blow to two stars in the history of the medicine family, and the two fairy peaks that were captured and beheaded were completely destroyed. I don’t know how long it will take for the medicine family to recover after this heavy blow.
In the floating of the agarwood sword, Sun Haoyin, the third fairy peak of Beidou, came out coldly. "Tianji Fairy Peak, together with all the monks, should be punished and sealed for thousands of years."
When talking, the agarwood sword flew out, fluttering and spreading, and the sword feather flew out. No matter how the friar whined and pleaded, no matter whether he had a sorrowful heart or not, he cut off the Xianfeng law mercilessly, and knocked down the whole Xianfeng along with the Chinese medicine repair, and shot it into the ground like a nail.
All the medicine repairs in Xianfeng couldn’t stand the weight of agarwood sword, and the original shape was broken, and it was sealed in the mountain of medicine with Xianfeng.
Thunder means bullying, which makes all the monks of the medicine family silent. Is this the real anger of the medicine god?
Is it so miserable to violate the iron law of drug gods?
Who can imagine that even the stars are no exception? Who can imagine that even Xianfeng has been born and died?
Every medicine practitioner who is more vigorous than violent deeply feels the determination of the drug god to thoroughly clean up the ethos of the drug family.
Everyone who is more or less associated with this matter is afraid to be born at this time, fearing that the drug god will find out his head and send himself into ten levels of hell.
Hands are dying, and Sun Hao, the second star of Beidou, has raised his head and said slowly, "The second star of Beidou’s body medicine, Shenshan Star, made it a sin to turn a deaf ear to the iron law. Today, I put out the second peak and made the second star of Beidou into a sinful medicine, a blood lake. Please remember this lesson and never do it again."
Chapter DiErLiuYi Medicine God nu
The god of medicine fell dead in anger and bled thousands of miles.
The moment when Yao Shenshan greeted Sun Hao’s return was originally a joy, but who knows that Sun Hao had just returned and the killing made the whole Yao Shenshan shrouded in a bloody and cruel cloud.
Even the stars ranked third in the total, and the Big Dipper ranked second, and all the stars were finally destroyed on the spot.
Sun Hao will throw his body high and directly break the agarwood sword back to its original shape and fly out instantly to chop up the elixir of the second star of Beidou into pieces of blood and rain for days.
Finally, Sun Hao’s mouth was cleared and the agarwood sword was swept away, and it broke into pieces. The body of the elixir was blown away by a sword wind, and a huge bluestone rose in the middle of the blood lake transformed by the second peak.
Pieces of these fragments were inserted into the blue petrified stone, and several bloodied Chinese characters "Blood Lake of Crime Medicine" were written.
Things didn’t stop there. The wrath of the drug god continued
Sun Hao floated to the "Blood Lake of Sin Medicine" and said coldly, "Every friar in Yaoshenshan listened carefully to me. Every friar who was infected with drugs went to the discipline halls of each peak to report that all drugs were released. When all drugs were returned to the prototype, they were planted near the blood lake for three days. Did you hear that?"
There was a sparse sound in Yaoshenshan.
Sun Hao’s face was cold and his mouth said coldly, "I didn’t hear you bigger. Do you understand?"
Godsworn Yaoshenshan neatly shouted "Understood".
Sun Hao said again, "Say it again! I still didn’t hear it. "
Many pharmacists shouted hysterically, "I understand."
A little excited, a little jittery, and a little bloody. The sound system penetrated the whole mountain of medicine.
Sun Hao floating slowly said, "That’s right. We should be more energetic after the drug family. Don’t sample Beidou all day …"
The big dipper body slightly shook its mouth and said "genus"
Sun Hao looked at the past and said faintly, "You seem to be neutral and have no captive medicine, but you are the boss of the Big Dipper, and a crime of oversight can’t be solved. Do you have any objection to my cutting off your star and cleaning your blood lake?"
Several star emissaries called a big brother!
The big dipper stretched out his hand and stopped several stars from continuing to talk. He knelt down to face Sun Hao and said to Lang, "Beidou knows the sin and adults can rest assured that Beidou will honestly clean the blood lake from now on."
Sun Hao nodded and said, "You are smart."
Say that finish Corleone turned to look at a few have been angry with yourself coldly relative star make.
Before Sun Hao could speak, Beidou suddenly fell to his knees and said, "My Lord, I have a few words to say to them."
Sun Hao said coldly, "You are smart enough to do something for them before you catch me. Although I am overbearing, I am still reasonable. Tell me, and I will deal with them later."
The Big Dipper looked at several ambassadors and said slowly and sadly, "First, I want to tell you that after Mahayana is powerful, a Mahayana can bless many races, such as Poseidon, the patron saint of all sea races;" The real disaster of the second medicine family is indeed the medicine. I will say that these two things are up to you. "
At this time, the Antarctic old man also chimed in and said, "I would like to add that the modern medicine god has a respected body, but it is the best medicine in our medicine family. Don’t be natural."
A few stars make you look at me, and I’ll look at you, and your anger is instantly released.

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